Running Commentary Home Page

RSS Feed

RSS feeds are a way of keeping abreast of updated websites that you visit. News sites and blogs are beginning to use them extensively, so I thought I'd better jump on the bandwagon. Most websites that offer an RSS feed service display a small logo like this: or like this: , or something similar.

To subscribe to a feed, you need a reader. Have a look here to find some RSS readers. After trying out 3, I've settled on one called FeedDemon which seems to do everything I want it to do. Some readers are free; this one costs money - though not a lot, in the great scheme of things.

If you want to keep updated with new content on the Running Commentary site, you'll need to subscribe to my RSS feed. Once you have a reader, you need to tell it to subscribe to:

The terminology is that you want to create a new channel. In your reader, find out how to add a new channel and paste in the url above. There are different ways of doing this depending on your reader. In FeedDemon, for instance, you can drag the URL into the reader to subscribe, or if browsing a site with one of the RSS or XML buttons illustrated above, clicking on the graphic will automatically subscribe you to the channel.

Happy feeding.

Talk to the foot...

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