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Website move - Mid Life Crisis Marathon Man - 30-04-2008

El Gordo Wrote:Let me know what isn't working. My calendar seems to have reverted to 2006 which is either inspirational, or a damning comment on my lack of progress. Or maybe just a technical glitch.

Er, my legs aren't working very well at the moment. Seems to have started when you swapped servers... and I have this pain in my right iliotibial which only became apparent when you upgraded the forum software...

Website move - El Gordo - 30-04-2008

Ah, I've discovered "infractions" though never realised they were called that before.

Website move - Sweder - 30-04-2008

The forum link in the main blog takes you to the old forum site (and the rediect message). This could be intended . . . but just in case it's not.

Website move - El Gordo - 30-04-2008

Sweder Wrote:The forum link in the main blog takes you to the old forum site (and the rediect message). This could be intended . . . but just in case it's not.

Ah yes, cheers. Will fix later, I need to change a few things on the menus.

Website move - Mid Life Crisis Marathon Man - 30-04-2008

El Gordo Wrote:Ah, I've discovered "infractions" though never realised they were called that before.

Be careful people, the power of infractions may have gone to El Presidente Gordo's head. I received a red card for merely having a slight injury. :mad:

Oh the shame!

Website move - Sweder - 01-05-2008

I see you picked up another one mate Sad
You should take a deep breath before criticising Robert Mu . . .er, the mighty El Gordo.

I was a little upset when I found I was unable to use the card system myself.
I wanted to caution SW for gratuitous mention of the MU Rowdies Big Grin

Website move - El Gordo - 01-05-2008

Sweder Wrote:I was a little upset when I found I was unable to use the card system myself.
I wanted to caution SW for gratuitous mention of the MU Rowdies Big Grin

Can you not?

Rolleyes Big Grin

Didn't realise. I'll see if I can turn it on, before it gets incredibly annoying and I turn it off again for all of us.

Website move - Sweder - 01-05-2008

Well, it says you can't red card a moderator - and it says this whoever you try to admonish (I've tried 'em all!) so perhaps everyone's a mod. Cool Cool

Website move - El Gordo - 01-05-2008

Sweder Wrote:Well, it says you can't red card a moderator - and it says this whoever you try to admonish (I've tried 'em all!) so perhaps everyone's a mod. Cool Cool

Hmm well, it seems that I can. Ha ha!

Everyone who has their own training diary is a moderator for their own forum. So you could all gang up on... Suzie for instance. Unfortunately, she's probably the last person to deserve bullying...

Website move - El Gordo - 01-05-2008

Have another go Sweder, I've changed something which may allow you to do so.

Website move - Sweder - 01-05-2008


Website move - Mid Life Crisis Marathon Man - 01-05-2008

...but why does the forum show you the infraction option flag thing if you're not actually allowed to use it?

Website move - El Gordo - 02-05-2008

OK, no-one, including me, can issue or receive infractions from now on.

Now where were we.....?


Website move - Sweder - 02-05-2008

Right, I've warned you several times EG . . .

[SIZE="1"](What's this? We can't insert pictures into posts no more? Gah!)[/SIZE]

Website move - El Gordo - 02-05-2008

Can't you?

Confession -- I never tried doing that. What did you used to do, and I'll fix it.

(You can still attach a file as a thumbnail.)

Website move - Sweder - 02-05-2008

Used to be an 'insert picture' icon (square with a mountain in it) alongside the hyperlink/ Quotemarks icons in the toolbar above the reply box. Ain't there no more, but no worries, thumbnails are fine; just not as effective for quick gags. And let's face it, quick gags are about as frivolous as appealing against an FA decision (unless you play for a Big Club). Just ask Father Christmas (a.k.a. Master Bates) over at Nasty Leeds Big Grin

Sorry, feeling remarkably feisty for such a wizened old git; just been out on the driving range with my new Ping G10s. I hit so many gentle high draws it brought a tear to my eye; a religious experience.
I'll get me diamond-patterned sweater . . .

Website move - El Gordo - 02-05-2008

burble burble



Website move - El Gordo - 02-05-2008

Hmmm. not sure what happened to the mountain icon -- I'll tackle vbulletin about it.

But to get an inline image for the time being, use the Manage Attachments button down below. It means that for the moment at least you can't post thumbnails.

Website move - Sweder - 02-05-2008

Cool and the gang, Large One.

Website move - El Gordo - 02-05-2008

Ah, hang on.

I'm talking about images that you have saved on your own computer.

You mean ones you get from the web? Let me take a look.