Happy New Year? - Printable Version

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Happy New Year? - Mid Life Crisis Marathon Man - 31-12-2004

One small part of Aceh, before and after the tsunami. Everything just obliterated. It has been compared to a nuclear explosion, but along thousands of kilometres of coastline.

Happy New Year? - Seafront Plodder - 31-12-2004

check this out!! Japanese scientists wave simulation. Eek

Happy New Year? - Sweder - 31-12-2004

I've spoken to quite a number of people in recent days, and the common thread seems that no-one can get their head around the scale of this disaster. No matter how often Hollywood portrays the potential for natural rage and destruction movie makers can never convey the incredible power of our planet.

As the media continues to cover the aftermath, their 'hit counters' climbing at a horrible rate, we realise that those killed during the frantic moments on Boxing Day may just be the fortunate ones. For all the tens of thousands of lives lost, how many more are now homeless, lost and without food & water?

My thoughts are with those left, blinking and wretched, on the battered shores. God help them.