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Where is everyone? - El Gordo - 04-10-2004

Come on guys, those lovely cold, dark running mornings and evenings are back.

I need some company.

Today my number arrived for the Cabbage Patch 10 miler in 2 weeks time. Gulp. I'd forgotten I'd entered this.

Pete (if you're there): Stroud Half on 24th may be just a bit too much a bit too soon. Will decide in a week or so.

I know Nigel has the Great South Run coming up, and SP has NY. Anyone else got any plans? Remind me.

And where's MLCM? I'm getting anxious about him......

Where is everyone? - Mid Life Crisis Marathon Man - 05-10-2004

in a sea of life... will post shortly.

Where is everyone? - Yorkshire Plodder - 08-10-2004

Still around, but nothing exciting to report! Bridlington Half on 17th October then a couple more 10k's before the end of the year.

Where is everyone? - Griff - 09-10-2004

I'm still here, Andy. Reading but not posting much. Have busied myself playing with my Garmin. Have now covered and measured my various country lane summer runs. Did a 4 miler against the vitriol partner the other day at target pace of 7.5min/miles and made him/her eat my dust. If only I could keep that pace up for 13.1 miles - dream on, Griff! Haven't got a name yet. Since your garmin inspired my to purchase mine, I thought about "_jeannot" as in "_jeannot et _colin", the novel by _voltaire. Maybe not.

Stroud Half
It might not be a goer for me either. I might be off to Paris to see Gloucester Rugby beat Stade Français if those damned Frenchies would release some tickets.

I do need to find a race though, 10k or 10 miles preferably.

Where is everyone? - glaconman - 10-10-2004

The last time I ran was up and down Simon's Seat; what? 2 months ago?

I'm still trying to work out how to integrate running into my new role of Father and the regime of perpetual slavery that we call Work.

What to do?

Where is everyone? - El Gordo - 10-10-2004

Hi there Glaconman, long time no hear. I was on Simon's Seat myself not so long ago. Small world.

It shouldn't be hard to find time to run (he said, unsympathetically).

Have you tried early morning? I mean, really early morning? Early running is fantastic, and gives you plenty of energy for the day ahead. Takes a bit of getting used to, mind.

But with a young baby you may be too tired to do this. I can only get up and run in the morning if I feel reasonably rested.

How about lunchtime? Does your work have a shower? If so, why not try 30 minutes in the middle of the day?

I think they're your best bets. By evening you may be feeling too knackered after your day's work, and it may seem unreasonable to leave the family immediately after getting home.

As for your state of perpetual slavery, remember that running is an antidote, not a competitor. Despite what I just said about the possible drawbacks of evening running, it's a great feeling to get home after a stressful day and go for a lope around the block. Replacing your work clothes with a teeshirt and shorts seems to be symbolic. You're peeling off the trappings of work and escaping into another world. When it's cool and dark, the sensation is heightened. A great way of de-stressing.

A lot of this really depends on your other half's attitude. If she resents you running, that's a tough one. If she's in favour, you should be easily able to come to some agreement.

If it's a fatigue thing, I can only offer bland advice like "get to bed earlier". Pretty dull stuff, sorry.

I don't mean this unsympathetically, of course, but I tend to think that if you really want to run you should be able to do it. Maybe you're overestimating how much investment of time is involved. To start getting back into it, you don't have to think in terms of 3 hour jaunts to Simon's Seat. 30 minutes, 4 times a week round the local streets will ease you back quite nicely. A 30 minute run + 5 mins for a shower. This shouldn't be too much to fit in early in the morning or while you're waiting for dinner to cook, or last thing at night (as long as you've not eaten too much).

Come on, GM, you can do it. Once you start, think about doing a race. I'll even join you if I can.

Where is everyone? - El Gordo - 10-10-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Griff
Since your garmin inspired my to purchase mine, I thought about "_jeannot" as in "_jeannot et _colin", the novel by _voltaire. Maybe not.

Hmm, sounds a bit erudite for me, Pete. What about Dexter, as in... Inspector Morse? Yeah, Dexter. SOmething sort of manly and no-shit about that....

Stroud is definitely out, I reckon. I've had a great running week, but I'm playing catch-up when it comes to fitness, and I don't think I can do a half in 2 weeks. I entered the Cabbage Patch 10 miler ages ago, and I now find to my horror that it's next weekend. Am uncertain about it.

Longer term, I was reading a thread about the Hogweed Half on the RW forum. On March 20, apparently, which could be tricky, as I'm planning on the Reading Half on March 6, and I want to run the coach to Silverstone again the following week, and will probably end up doing the race. A third half, and a hilly one at that, just one week later, might be asking for trouble. But if all else fails, I definitely hope to repeat the Hogweed 10K in May, work permitting.

If you fancy an away fixture, do think about Reading, I may even lay on a tea party for the occasion....

Where is everyone? - El Gordo - 11-10-2004


I've had a sleepless night, fretting about your situation. I've decided this isn't a scheduling problem, it's all to do with motivation.

You need to kick-start the upward momentum. Just get out and run for 30 minutes 2 or 3 times this week. The rest will take care of itself.

Trust me.

Where is everyone? - glaconman - 14-10-2004

Thanks for the thought and concern Andy. You're right: it's usually just a question of will.

I'll let you know if (I mean when) I manage to get back into a pattern.

Where is everyone? - Griff - 14-10-2004

Quote:Originally posted by andy
Hmm, sounds a bit erudite for me, Pete. What about Dexter, as in... Inspector Morse? Yeah, Dexter. SOmething sort of manly and no-shit about that....

... or "Sinister" as in "sinister, dexter!" That's latin for "left, right!" which is what I have to recite when the going get's tough sometimes.

Where is everyone? - stillwaddler - 22-10-2004

Well, if it's motivation you need Glaconman, we are having a staff development day at work today, having a presentation by a guy called Watt Nicoll followed by a workshop on motivation, so if I learn anything I'll let you know! This guy is supposed to have worked with the likes of Wayne Rooney, (but with his performance for my beloved United this week I'm not holding out any great hopes for this afternoons session.) I am totally disinterested in work at the moment, would retire at the drop of a hat if I could so will be approaching this with an ear on what it will be able to do for my running and music rather than anything else.

So if I learn anything - don't hold your breath - I will share!

On the running front, I have moved up a gear and am training for the Stockport 10 miler in December, it's a beast of a course with some very punishing and very long hills, which I am determined to stagger up just a little quicker than I did last year

Keep it up everyone.

Where is everyone? - El Gordo - 22-10-2004

You kept a bit quiet about your football allegiances, SW. Very wise...

Actually, I don't mind them any more. Since Abramovich arrived on the scene, all my voodoo dolls have had new little blue outfits.

Stockport 10 miler? Oooh good. The 10 mile race craze continues round these parts. I did one last Sunday. There'll be a report up later today, once I'm back home again after my week away. Not sure I like the sound of "very punishing and very long hills" though.

Keep us informed...

Where is everyone? - stillwaddler - 25-10-2004

Have just read your repot on the Cabbage Patch 10 - what a great name for a race, good on you Andy, training is obviously paying off, hope you felt able to reward yourself with a thirst quenching pint or two after the event.

Will let you know how the Stockport 10 goes, I have started training for it - need to with the hills involved, nearly finished me off last year. Did a steady 6 miles yesterday, have decided to do a cross between the beginner and intermediate schedule from Hal Higdon.

Sorry about the football allegience, Man U have to be my team, they are the only ones I have ever seen play, you can blame it on my husband, I was completely anti football until he took me to a match about 3 years ago - he didn't even tell me we were going, just took me for a very nice early evening meal but instructed me to wear my winter coat - eventually he spilled the beans about where we were going on to and I was still very dubious - but once inside the ground the moment the wall of sound from the Stretford end hit me I was hooked. Have managed to get tickets quite a few time since although that isn't always easy.

Still on Sunday WE WON!!

Where is everyone? - Riazor Blue - 25-10-2004

Stillwaddler, you realise that Man U owe their success to Crystal Palace dont you? If we hadn't let you win the 1990 FA Cup final you'd have sacked Alex Ferguson there and then.

I can just remember being at Selhurst to see Palace win 5-0 against Man U in 1971 (I think), missed half the game as I was more interested in the peanuts that a little old lady used to sell at half time in the Whitehorse Lane end.

I'm trying to tink if I've seen Palace beat you lot in more recent history and I can't think of one match. Even that one with the Cantona incident we lost.

Still.... Deportivo have beaten you twice....

Where is everyone? - El Gordo - 25-10-2004

Quote:Originally posted by stillwaddler
Have just read your repot on the Cabbage Patch 10 - what a great name for a race, good on you Andy, training is obviously paying off, hope you felt able to reward yourself with a thirst quenching pint or two after the event.

Nope, I've not had any alcohol for 24 days now.