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Injury Advice Please - Sheambax - 24-01-2006

Hi Everyone
I`m a new member so please bear with me, I`ve been running for many years then took a break, started up last August/September time, and started having Achilles Tendon pain in my left leg so I eased off and kept streaching reqularly,also bought some new shoes,everything seemed fine.But since Christmas its flared up again and I also now having problems with my right calf,thats constantly sore. Final note I do wear orthotics in neutral cushioned shoes. Anyone got any suggestions to get me back on the road please ??Sad

Injury Advice Please - Sweder - 24-01-2006

First up, welcome to the forum Smile
We're a pretty patched-up bunch so someone may well pop up with advice based on a similar problem.
If they don't:

Your left achillies/ right calf combo suggests some form of compensation in your running action. A chap I run with at weekends developed trouble in one leg, finally biting the bullet and going to see a physio. His doc pointed out that the good leg had developed considerably more muscle than the injured one, indicating a compensatory action.

Get youself to a sports physio and take your shoes.
Anything else would be taking blind advice, and could make things worse.
Good luck, and please let us know how you get on.

Injury Advice Please - Sheambax - 24-01-2006

Thanks for the advice Sweder,that was actually my next plan of action but just thought I`d see if anyone had any other ideas, will let you know how I go on

Injury Advice Please - El Gordo - 24-01-2006

It's never easy, or wise, to give advice about specific injuries. There are quite a few things that could explain an injury like this - shoes, running style, surface, over-training, to name just a few. As Sweder says, it's really best to get some proper advice from someone who has the chance to examine you and get the full story. We're not being unhelpful -- just a bit wary. All I would say is go to a sports clinic or to a physio or podiatrist who specialises in sports injuries, rather than just a general one.

What does your name mean, incidentally??

Injury Advice Please - Sheambax - 24-01-2006

My name was taken from the names of two dogs I used to have ..... Sheba & Max. Also thanks for your advice Andy.

Injury Advice Please - El Gordo - 24-01-2006

Ah, another dog person.

Are there no other wormophiles on here...?

Injury Advice Please - Seafront Plodder - 24-01-2006

Well I'm thinking of changing my username to platyhelminthes.

It's a start...:o

Injury Advice Please - Sweder - 24-01-2006

Come off it, SP . . .
Worm, yes . . . but flat worm?
I think that's misleading . . .