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Starting out
08-10-2016, 09:42 AM,
Starting out
This isn't the start of my training,  but it is the start of blogging about it. I'm aiming to do three half marathons in the next 6 months - October (Thames River Path), February (Almeria) and March (Moyleman). This would be three times as many as I've done before (one in June 2013 - Seaford Head), albeit in training on a number of occasions I have run more than 13 miles at a time. 

So my goal for October is to get under 2 hours - which on a flat course like Thames Path should be manageable. (I was originally aiming for Bamburgh half - but that's 400 miles away, and my lovely long-planned coastal accommodation fell through so that's off. Thames was next best option.)

I've enjoyed reading Sweder and more recently CharlieCat blogs (and run with them of course) - so thought I would see how blogging helps the training process. I gather one sometimes starts thinking about the impending blog post as you are running. So that might be interesting - narrating the run as you run so to speak.

I also have the joy of taking part in an event tomorrow - Hickstead Gallop - wearing Lewes AC club vest for first time, since they need bodies to make up the numbers for league points. Point for each entrant up to 26 members. I have no idea whether I'll feel great or terrible as part of a team of runners.  

So about to head off up Black Cap and beyond. And see what blogging thoughts strike me.

NB I might change my name to UpToTheWindmill since I've moved house since joining the forum 3 years ago ... and I no longer go OutAlongTheRiver for the start of every run. But we shall see.

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