First win against Arsenal since the early 70s I think!
As for the so-called "training" diary....
Ouch. It must have been all the talk about turning over a new leaf. Ill spare the gory gastric details but running has been impossible for the last 3 weeks. Strange that. In over 10 years Ive never had a running injury that has stopped me from getting out. In my case my achilles heel seems to be located somewhere in the lower intestine. Wont be eating chorizo again from now on. All in all, a pretty poor showing over the last 3 months.
Missed a new local race La Subida de Morredero (a place to die).
This was held for the first time last Sunday. Its like a mini-version of the epic Veleta race, starting in Ponferrada and climbing 23km uphill to the Morredero ski station and involves 1250m of climbing. Great stuff if you like that sort of thing although theres too much road for my liking. The mighty Basurko finished 3rd and there were many more local runners amongst the 50 or so starters. One for next year maybe.