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Joined: Nov 2007
I done my first long run today of six miles. It wasn't the fact that I was out of breath, but my legs felt like they nothing to give after about four miles. After telling myself not to give up on about twenty occasions I completed the full six. I gotter admit I'm feeling pretty chuffed with myself. Whats all this layers of clothing all about, I run in just a t.shirt and I was sweating like a scouser in dixons . And the WALL . Would someone please explain that one to me! Also how much water should I be drinking on a run. Anyway hope to hear from you soon.
Charlton 3 Ipswich 0
Many thanks
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Nice one Jonners. Six miles is a fair whack (as you just found out).
Clothing is an individual issue. I know people who wear several layers on a long (+15 mile) run and never get too hot. I melt after ten minutes whatever the weather. In Almería last year I wore a windcheater and gloves; there was more moisture inside the jacket than outside!
The wall? In a nutshell your body runs out of energy provided by the food you eat and switches over to feeding on itself. During the switch over - which happens somewhere between mile 12 and 22, depending on your metabolism - you actually run on empty for a while. This hurts and makes you feel like laying down and having a kip. If you keep going, take a sports gel, take a walk break, eventually your body switches over to feeding off itself and you start to feel better.
One thing you can do to lessen the impact of the wall (or even avoid it all together) is to get in the habit of eating as you run from early on. Sweets or energy gels seem to work best. Try taking a few wine gums with you next time you're out. Start eating them from about three miles on and see if you get to six without feeling as wiped out.
As with all advice what works for one person won't be any good to another.
Trial and error dear boy, trial and error. But well done on that six miler.
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Yo, johnnyb, well done on the 6 miles. I remember the first time I managed 6 miles. I kept getting a terrible stitch and pains in my chest. Sounds frightening but I was pretty sure it was my respiratory system struggling rather than my heart. Pretty sure...
A couple of tips: take a rest day before and after your long run, unless you feel up to a spot of cross-training like a swim or a good walk. Best to do that the day after than the day before.
It's funny, I used to run in nothing but a tee-shirt and shorts, regardless of how cold it was. I did that for 3 winters, then I suddenly took a wimpish turn and started wearing a jacket when it got below about 5 degrees. Still never wear leggings of any kind. Some people can, some can't. Not a macho thing, just physiological.
Water -- this is a personal thing. In fact, nearly all the advice you'll get should be taken with a pinch of salt. My running/writing hero, Dr George Sheehan, famously said that "all runners are an experiment of one".
I never bother with water unless I'm running about 8 miles or more. Even then I sometimes don't bother. The exception is very hot days, when I've suffered even on short runs. It's a hassle carrying water so I either plan a run past a drinking tap (there's one along the canal about 4.5 miles from where I live, so that makes a good 9 mile out-and-back), or a shop, or on occasions when doing a very long run like 20 miles, I've driven round the route beforehand and left bottles of water or pouches of Lucozade Sport hidden behind trees every 5 or 6 miles. But your mileage may vary...
The wall isn't something to worry about yet, but Sweder explained it well. It's a sudden loss of energy when the body exhausts all reserves of glycogen. A good idea is to take a couple of gels on long runs but I wouldn't worry too much about it till you're doing much longer runs -- say 12, or 15 miles. You'll need to be aware of it in the race itself, where it's ruined many a runner's day. We'll tell you more about it nearer the time.
A couple of tips for recovery after a long run -- have a snack as soon as you get back, preferably carbs and protein. So a tuna or egg sandwich is good. Also, don't forget to stretch. I'm not over-zealous about it but I always stretch calf and quad muscles before I go back into the house. Stretching before a run isn't much recommended these days. Instead, warm-up a bit. I always walk or jog a couple of hundred yards very slowly (even by my standards) before speeding up. You may not think there's a need for it, and nor did I once. But I've pulled a calf muscle a couple of times, and I've been
much more careful since. The last thing you want is to have to take 2 or 3 weeks out of training.
Keep us posted.
El Gordo
Great things are done when men and mountains meet.