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June June Way Too Soon
06-06-2007, 12:58 PM,
June June Way Too Soon
Gosh, a whole week into June already and I haven't run in days. Eek Sad

Yup, been away for a few days and now finding it tough to ease back into the old routine... but that's gotta change tomorrow.

Meantime, here's one for Rog and the Habakkuk lads... Smile

[Image: bert.gif]
Run. Just run.
07-06-2007, 10:06 AM,
June June Way Too Soon
Nice one Cobber.
It reminds me of that old soak Tommy Docherty. When told that former Tottenham and (rarely) England playmaker - and subsequently England manager - Glenn Hoddle had found God Tommy thought for a moment, then quipped:
'That must've been one helluva pass . . . '

And then there's the old Anfield banner favorite:

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

08-06-2007, 09:17 PM,
June June Way Too Soon
MLCMan - you mentioned on Antonio's site about the possibility of coming to Canada. How exciting! The ships sail from Vancouver to Alaska, but you would definitely have to come to Calgary for a few days. We have beautiful mountains just an hour away (Banff) with great hiking trails in the summer and great skiiing in the winter. There's always a race to run, so we could easily work that in. Maybe some others might want to come over the same time??

And its not always cold here; just not quite as warm as you're used to. But we do get summer for a least a couple of weeks.:o

08-06-2007, 09:53 PM,
June June Way Too Soon
suzieq Wrote:MLCMan - you mentioned on Antonio's site about the possibility of coming to Canada. How exciting! ... There's always a race to run, so we could easily work that in. Maybe some others might want to come over the same time??

Wow, Calgary looks amazingly similar in some respects to my "other" home town of Adelaide... same size (about 1,000,000 people), compact CBD, green belt, river etc. And in terms of travel possibilities, the $Can exchange rate is much more favourable than the Euro! Looking good. Smile

[Image: calgary_banff.jpg]

[Image: Adelaide_Skyline.jpg]

It won't be soon, but we'll do it! Smile

MLC Man.
Run. Just run.
11-06-2007, 06:20 AM,
June June Way Too Soon
Haven't been reporting my running lately because it has been a bit of a disaster. Today I went out feeling great but still had to chuck it in something short of 4km. I think it's just the lack of routine of late. Been unusually busy, unwell and away etc etc. The usual excuses, but unfortunately it's true that sometimes reality takes priority and running suffers. After three good months I suppse a setback is not entirely unexpected. Still it's not a complete disaster. Things are starting to settle down as I get myself better organised and the runs will come good again.

At least today's run was long enough to produce a track du jour: Grinspoon's "Just Ace". At 1'47 it was appropriately short, and a good track too. And an Aussie band as an added bonus. Rolleyes

Hopefully some good runs to report soon. :o

[Image: wanted.jpg]
Run. Just run.
11-06-2007, 07:55 AM,
June June Way Too Soon
A familiar tale my friend.
Many of us hit these mini-walls in training. They usually follow an illness or more commonly a period of indulgence - immediately after an overseas event is a critical time in my calendar. The key (for me at least) is to start back slowly, perhaps schedule a shorter than usual run. Falling short of a modest target is demoralising so it's best to lower your sights for a week or so. Shoot some fish in a barrel, get your dander up again and run to the moon.

S'easy as pie! If only someone could explain this to Steve Harmison . . . Sad

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

11-06-2007, 08:06 AM,
June June Way Too Soon
Sweder Wrote:A familiar tale my friend.
Many of us hit these mini-walls in training. They usually follow an illness or more commonly a period of indulgence - immediately after an overseas event is a critical time in my calendar. The key (for me at least) is to start back slowly, perhaps schedule a shorter than usual run. Falling short of a modest target is demoralising so it's best to lower your sights for a week or so. Shoot some fish in a barrel, get your dander up again and run to the moon.

S'easy as pie! If only someone could explain this to Steve Harmison . . . Sad

Wise words my friend, I shall do just as you say. And thanks for bringing the subject back to the world of cricket. If the Windies manage to pull off an unlikely and amazing victory at Old Trafford it will be a fantastic day for test cricket. Let's hope it's a blinder of a day, no matter who wins. Good on Chanderpaul et al for showing some grit and resolve.

And yeah, let's hope Harmison reads your words, Sweder. Smile
Run. Just run.
13-06-2007, 07:23 AM,
June June Way Too Soon
Harmi did OK as it turned out.
The biggest problem our lot have just now is controlling the Montivescence. Mr Panesar leapt about in what at first glance appeared to be an hilarious parody of Shayne 'I ate all the pies' Warne, screaming into the faces of the umps at every opportunity. He's young, enthusiastic, but he needs to cut that shit out; it's not big, not clever and I fear a backlash from the finger-men if he's not very careful.

Harmison benefited from the timely arrival of Alan Donald, a bowler who, like Pollock of that parish, has dragged SA back into contention over the past decade. Sadly Donald senior shuffled off his mortal coil last weekend just as the speedster was making headway with the lanky Geordie. I hope he can pick up where he left off when/ if he returns after the funeral.

So, how's the mini-rehab?

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

13-06-2007, 10:03 AM,
June June Way Too Soon
Sweder Wrote:A familiar tale my friend.
Many of us hit these mini-walls in training. They usually follow an illness or more commonly a period of indulgence - immediately after an overseas event is a critical time in my calendar. The key (for me at least) is to start back slowly, perhaps schedule a shorter than usual run. Falling short of a modest target is demoralising so it's best to lower your sights for a week or so. Shoot some fish in a barrel, get your dander up again and run to the moon.

S'easy as pie! If only someone could explain this to Steve Harmison . . . Sad

Indeed, and I've gone through the same thing myself just recently. In my case, a scheduled rest that got out of hand, and exacerbated by a painful toe (discussed elsewhere).

As for the cricket, MLCM will be delighted to learn that Marcus Trescothick has evidently cheered up at last and is, by all acoounts, turning in some great performances for Somerset. I'm sure the generous-spirited Tasmanian will wish him well in his continued recovery. Big Grin
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
13-06-2007, 10:08 AM,
June June Way Too Soon
Sweder Wrote:So, how's the mini-rehab?

Er well, this evening I had a choice of going for a run or consuming a gourmet roasted pumpkin and feta pizza.

I think you can work out what happened. :o
Run. Just run.
13-06-2007, 10:09 AM,
June June Way Too Soon
andy Wrote:As for the cricket, MLCM will be delighted to learn that Marcus Trescothick has evidently cheered up at last ... and I'm sure the generous-spirited Tasmanian will wish him well in his continued recovery. Big Grin

Run. Just run.
22-06-2007, 06:25 PM,
June June Way Too Soon
Come in MLCM, you're time is up....

Let's be 'avin' you.... I'm back in the saddle (just writing up today's run), so everyone else can bloody well get out there too.

And when are we all going to Calgary then...?
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
23-06-2007, 06:09 AM,
June June Way Too Soon
Calgary is a must, as is Tazmania.
It's simply nothing short of rudeness to expect Suzie and MLCMan to drag themselves half way around the globe for these get-togethers. I've already packed my Stetson.

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

24-06-2007, 03:27 AM,
June June Way Too Soon
Just back from a very unexpected short-notice week-long work trip to Brisbane. Am home for a couple of days and then off again on Wednesday to Adelaide. I'm tearing my hair out trying (and failing) to find some routine.

Nothing run-wise to report except the odd "shooting fish in a barrell" sporadic trot, and very unsatisfying ones at that. I've waved my training schedule a hasty and largely pointless farewell as it vanished out the window and took off into the night God-knows how long ago. I don't doubt we will meet again, but like a rebellious truant teenager I have no idea where it is or when we shall be reunited. The hounds are out there but have failed to find a scent.

Meanwhile I have a sh*t load of "stuff" (boring gack like tax) to do which demands my attention more so than the treadmill, although it still gets a short burst when the brain siezes up completely and needs disconbobulating.

My stars are seemingly not just out of alignment, but have completely thrown a bearing and jack-knifed off the highway, throwing its consignment of squawking chickens all over the road. Not a lot of order or routine you might say.

No track du jour to report, but sanity has been saved by some early Rod Stewart/Small Faces records, so I'll give 'em a mention in despatches. Elton John's Goodbye Yellow Brick Road has also been used medicinally, so thank goodnes for early-70s music. Better than Prozac, that's for sure.

Must away. Yonder beckons. Sad

MLC Man.
Run. Just run.
24-06-2007, 10:21 AM,
June June Way Too Soon
As Ash, the homocidal robot in that film, said; you have my sympathies.
Ten days in Turkey proved as fruitless as the arid Ottoman plains; no gym work in sight, the only sweat induced by airport customs' despotic brinkmanship.

Fear not, upside-down-one. My post-TOM sloth soon gave way to hard graft and so it shall be again, for both of us. Andy recently slid into a decadent Dublin den and has emerged to continue the good fight. Embrace the chance to rest those weary limbs and re-charge the physical (if not mental) powerpack. At least that's how I'm looking at it all :o

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

24-06-2007, 10:31 AM,
June June Way Too Soon
Sweder Wrote:As Ash, the homocidal robot in that film, said; you have my sympathies.
Ten days in Turkey proved as fruitless as the arid Ottoman plains; no gym work in sight, the only sweat induced by airport customs' despotic brinkmanship.

Fear not, upside-down-one. My post-TOM sloth soon gave way to hard graft and so it shall be again, for both of us. Andy recently slid into a decadent Dublin den and has emerged to continue the good fight. Embrace the chance to rest those weary limbs and re-charge the physical (if not mental) powerpack. At least that's how I'm looking at it all :o

Well said. It's always easier to make it come true than we fear it's going to be.
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
24-06-2007, 11:24 AM,
June June Way Too Soon
Sweder Wrote:As Ash, the homocidal robot in that film, said; you have my sympathies.

As Bishop, the altogether clever robot in the second of those films said, "I may be synthetic, but I'm not stupid". Big Grin

And neither are you MLC. At least, that's what you'd have us believe...
26-06-2007, 11:16 AM,
June June Way Too Soon
The aforementioned Ash and Bishop... kind of sums up the state of my training at the moment... Sad

[Image: AlienAsh.jpg][Image: AliensBishop.jpg]
Run. Just run.
26-06-2007, 12:18 PM,
June June Way Too Soon
Mid Life Crisis Man Wrote:The aforementioned Ash and Bishop... kind of sums up the state of my training at the moment... Sad [/img]
At least Ash still has his good looks Big Grin
Note the tell-tale Raki-sweat indicating another tough afternoon in the Istanbul customs shed . . .

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

26-06-2007, 02:06 PM,
June June Way Too Soon
Sweder Wrote:Note the tell-tale Raki-sweat indicating another tough afternoon in the Istanbul customs shed . . .

:RFLMAO: Good one
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.

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