Just bragging...
19-02-2005, 06:20 PM,
Just bragging...
18.32 miles today.

Get in!

Good luck all with your weekend runs and races. Do report back. I'll have something up tomorrow.
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
19-02-2005, 10:26 PM,
Just bragging...
Well done, Andy!

I just managed about 16 kms this morning. I went along carretera de Sierra Alhamilla, from where I live, to take down Avda del Mediterráneo, just the other way round at the half marathon - downhill instead of uphill. Then, I went along the sea front to Costacabana, the resort near the airport where we drove towards Almería. Then, I went back along the sea front again to Almadrabillas park. I took a one minute walk breaks every ten minutes after the first thirty minutes of continuous run.

I tried the Lucozade gel you gave me before Almería half to try at a long run. I liked its flavour and it makes me feel stronger after about 12 kms. Thanks a lot.

Looking forward to Reading half.

20-02-2005, 12:15 AM,
Just bragging...
Good God man, you're turning into a terribly serious runner! That's nearly 30 kilometres! In training!!

I am very impressed.
Run. Just run.
20-02-2005, 09:35 AM,
Just bragging...
Antonio - glad you liked the gel. Must admit that they are a bit too sweet for me. I've come across another brand called Hi-Five which I prefer.

Reading will be good. There is snow forecast for today, but I'm sure that will all be gone in 2 weeks time.

MLCM - I'm just following the training schedule. I'm supposed to do at least 2 x 20 milers between now and Hamburg on April 24th.
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
20-02-2005, 12:00 PM,
Just bragging...
I am still at work, huge Active Directory switch over this weekend so it is all hands to the pump. was working all day yesterday too. Am hoping to finish at tabout 2pm today and was planning a 15 mile run - but right now I just want to put my feet up...will I make it???

Congratulations on everyone elses Sunday efforts 'though.
20-02-2005, 01:16 PM,
Just bragging...
No, you won't make it SW...

Not a cat in hell's chance.
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
20-02-2005, 04:25 PM,
Just bragging...
Hi - just joined this forum.

You sparked my interest because I had planned an 18 miler myself today, but felt a bit low and only managed 10m. I'm jealous! I'll try again on Tuesday. Can't afford to miss long runs with FLM looming in April!


20-02-2005, 06:34 PM,
Just bragging...
Welcome JP, and great to have another Spanish-ish correspondent. This forum is definitely developing a Spanish flavour. Not sure why, but I've no problem with it.

Are you living out there full time? I take it you're English under the hood?

Tell us a bit about your running.... Have you done FLM before?
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
21-02-2005, 08:02 AM,
Just bragging...
Hi Andy

Thanks for the warm welcome. Yes, I'm English, mainly from Essex, but my heart is in Norfolk. Lived all over,- Kings Lynn, Leicester, Nuneaton, Northampton, Colchester, Wickford, Bury St Edmunds and now, the Canaries. Been here 3 months and plan to stay awhile (years not months). Just trying to get a few bit and pieces happening to earn enough money to live and no more. Got to enjoy the climate and culture you see.

Been running on and off for about 12 years. Always enjoyed it, especially racing. Like HM, 10m, 10k & 5m races. However, marathon training is proving to be more like hard work than fun. Legs constantly tired, despite reading all running material and having a fitness qualification, I can't make them stop! First marathon which I'm doing for Macmillan Cancer Relief (my Mum has cancer), and after I'll rejoin the ranks of 'normal' runners and concentrate on enjoying my running again.

Rest day today (Monday), well an upper body sesh at the gym, then 18m tomorrow. Here's hoping!

Good running everyone.

21-02-2005, 10:01 AM,
Just bragging...
Hi JP. You sound suspiciously fit to me, so I won't suggest we run together in the FLM, but it would be good to meet up pre or post race. I agree with you on the full marathon versus other events - it is too much like hard work, whereas anything up to a half can be a lot of fun.

Good luck. When the going gets tough that very personal goal will keep you going when others wilt.

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

21-02-2005, 03:24 PM,
Just bragging...
andy Wrote:No, you won't make it SW...

Not a cat in hell's chance.

I did make it - but only just, felt absolutely wiped out afterwards, even fell over three miles from home - husband unceremoniously scooped me up, dusted me down and reminded me that there was still 3 miles to go...

The hot bath afterwards was blissful, but my knee caps are really sore today and I am hobbling a bit, nothing to do with the fall 'though.
Phew this is hard work !
21-02-2005, 07:35 PM,
Just bragging...
Hi Sweder

Yes, be good to meet up. How do you know you couldn't run with me? I may be doing a lot of training, but I'm much slower than I wanted to be! Aiming for 3.30 - 4 hours on my own watch, once I cross the start line! In fact 3.30 would be a dream come true as its possibly the only marathon I'll do.

Keep up the training everyone. Oh, and well done Stillwaddler. 15m after a days work is impressive, especially in British weather!


21-02-2005, 08:43 PM,
Just bragging...
stillwaddler Wrote:I did make it - but only just....

Well done SW, I knew you'd do it....
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
22-02-2005, 12:24 PM,
Just bragging...
thanks you guys, will get out for a gentle run today - but before that there is a staff leaving do to attend - yummy!!

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