Hi Gary.
It's really not too bad once you get the hang of it . . .
This section of the site (Jog Shop Joggers) is set up for we Brightonians to communicate with each other about forthcoming runs. You can add to a 'thread' (linked series of 'posts') by clicking on the 'Post Reply' button at the end of the latest post. If you wish to start a new topic ('thread') you can do this by clicking on 'Jog Shop Joggers' at the top of this page and clicking on 'New Thread' - then off you go.
There's no hard or fast rules about this - we can form threads based on months (as some of us do in our training diaries) on each weekly run (as I did with your recent post about this Sunday) or keep rolling on with one long thread.
Anyway, it looks like I won't be joining you this Sunday as I plan to bowl over to Seaford and join in the half marathon fun at 9am. You can enter on the day (£8), there are medals for all finishers and it'll be a good hilly offroader to boot.
Here's the link to the organisers' website for more details.