The following question was done in a quarterly examination of chemistry in the University of Toledo. The answer of one of the students was so "deep" that the professor wanted to share it with his colleagues, via Internet, reason for which we can all enjoy her.
Question: It is exothermic Hell (gives off heat) or endothermic (it absorbs it)? Most of students their commentaries wrote on the Law of Boyle (the gas cools off when it expands and it is warmed up when it is compressed). A student, nevertheless, wrote the following thing: Hell varies with time. For it we have to know what rate enters the souls Hell and what rate leave. I have nevertheless understood that, once within Hell, the souls no longer leave him.
Therefore, exits do not take place. As far as how many souls enter, we see what the different religions say. Most of them they declare that if you do not belong to them, you will go to Hell. Since there is more than a religion than therefore is expressed and since people do not belong to more than one, we can conclude that all the souls go to Hell. With the existing rates of births and deaths, we can deduce that the number of souls in Hell grows of exponential form.
Let us see now how it varies the volume of Hell According to the Law of Boyle, so that the temperature and the pressure of Hell stay stable, the volume must expand in proportion to the entrance of souls.
There are two possibilities: 1. If Hell expands at a speed smaller than the one of entrance of souls, the temperature and the pressure in Hell will be increased until this one is disintegrated. 2. If Hell expands at a speed greater than the one of the entrance of souls, the temperature and the pressure will diminish until Hell is congealed.
What possibility is the true one: If we accepted what Teresa in my first year of race said to me ("it will be cold in Hell before he lays down to me with you"), and considering that I lay down with her night yesterday, the possibility number 2 is the true one. I give therefore like certain that the Hell is exothermic and that already is congealed.
The correlation of this theory is that, since Hell already is congealed, no longer it accepts more souls and it is, therefore, extinguished... leaving to the Sky like only test of the existence of a divine being, which explains why, last night, Teresa did not stop to shout "Oh, God mine! This student was the unique one who removed "substitute"
Maybe loses a bit in translation but I get the gist.