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Time for tellytubbies
13-12-2004, 02:53 PM,
Time for tellytubbies
With apologies to my Lewes-based co-runners (for the title if nothing else), here's the deal.

I needed a couple of people to hook up with on cold winter evenings as an incentive to get out there. When I mentioned this to Simon and Tim (our kids go to/ went to the same school) they each jumped at the chance to get some fitness work in. Early fears about lagging behind a veteran of 2 London Marathons were soon assuaged when I stood in profile whilst assuring them my last trainer-clad setp in anger was to cross the line in April.

Simon has jogged casually on and off for a few years, chugging around the housing estates in Lewes from time to time. He smokes, which really hurts his hill work, but I'm sure he'll sort that out before long. Pace-wise Si is fine - it's the slopes around Lewes (there are many) that cause him grief.

Tim has done little in the past 4 to 5 years on the physical exercise front (although his right arm has a nice smooth action when raising pints) but has a (distant) history of running and playing outdoor sport. He's as near as dammit in the same shape as me, but where there's life and all that.

This weekend brought an unexpected benefit for our group. Attending Simons' (pre) Christmas Party I found the discussions amongst the guests focused on Simons' recent health kick and the fact that the 'Tellytubbies' were due to hit a 6 mile slog around Seaford the next morning. Bearing in mind there were large quantities of Guinness and red wine dissappearing at an alarming rate, this news was greeted with much mirth.

Amidist cries of incredulity and blatant mockery, we stood firm a la Muskateers and avowed to do hit the streets at 09:00 next day. This attracted the attention of a couple of most attractive lady runners (completely out of our league, on so many levels) who cordially invited us to join them on an 8 mile round trip off-road jamboree to Black Cap. We politely declined, siting arrangements made, rendezvous with family in Seaford. In truth we were collectively aghast at the thought of trying to keep up with these extremely fit women on a 4 mile uphill climb on the Downs. One of them has a half marathon time of 1:30 for crying out loud!

Still, the seed is sewn and given another couple of weeks of 4/ 6/ 8 milers around town we may well find ourselves in the company of runners who really know what wearing lycra should be all about.

Yeah, and then we'll wake up . . .

For the record, all three brave souls reported for duty at 09:00 Sunday morning and completed a most satisfactory 6 miles around Seaford.
All for one, lads . . .

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

13-12-2004, 10:06 PM,
Time for tellytubbies
Congratulations Jock, you're obviously a very motivated and dedicated campaigner. But I can see SP's influence lurking ominously with all those references to Guiness, so just as well you have some stout-hearted runners here to keep you accountable... (poor joke, sorry).

I had a brother with JD, so I understand and appreciate what you're doing, and take my hat off to you. Well done mate Smile
Run. Just run.
13-12-2004, 11:38 PM,
Time for tellytubbies
Good to see that despite global domination of sport in all shapes and sizes, your antipodeans fall some way short of the mark in the comedy stakes.
Thanks for the support - yes, it does help when you can't be arsed to scrape the ice of your trainers (like tonight) to have your inspiration sat next to you on the sofa : )

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

14-12-2004, 06:48 AM,
Time for tellytubbies
From a country that gave the world Rolf Harris too!

For the record, Sweder certainly doesn't need any assistance from me in the Guinness stakes, quite the opposite in fact!

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14-12-2004, 06:53 AM,
Time for tellytubbies
Welcome to the diary section. Not sure if you realise what you've let yourself in for. Andy can be a bit of a stickler for insisting that a polished, well rounded training schedule is strictly adhered to.Rolleyes

I've almost shaken off this chest thing, so fully intend to join the runs around the town soon. Hey, we can talk about the fine detail over a pint or 8 on Friday. An excellent start to my return to training....!
14-12-2004, 09:06 AM, (This post was last modified: 14-12-2004, 02:44 PM by Sweder.)
Time for tellytubbies
Well rounded has never been a problem for me . . . and if you're back in the saddle SP it's a done deal.
Not too sure about the polished bit though -
I remember getting rebuked for excessive polishing in my youth.
See you on the 8th old boy. Pip pip!

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph


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