An arduous 1.25 hrs at the hands of Fran, the diminutive school mistress type who can crack the whip with the best of them.
I go to Corals gym in Brighton - next to a Greyhound stadium - bit of an odd setup really. Punters next door getting pie-eyed and gambling away.
While we ooze honest sweat, and try to reshape what we've got.
It was a hard sess - not having pumped any weights for 3 weeks. But I tend to really pace myself well and not get carried away like some raspberry faced folk. Fran always likes to do abdominal work at the end - after you've given what you've got for an hour. A really brief cool down / stretch at the end - necessitates an additional stretch in the gym.
Have got a 4 hour 'Spin' fest (stationary bike) next Saturday 28/04 organised by the erstwhile Rick - a lovely guy raising money for Cancer Research.
Not sure how much I'll complete, will probably take breaks on the hour for necessary sodden shirt & bandana change. Will try and do Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Spin classes to get in the mood for the occasion.
Running for now will have to take a backseat next week. Off to get some padded cycling shorts.