It happens every year - the office
flu shot campaign heralds a veritable avalanche of illness and sick-leave mayhem. Those of us who refuse to have flu vaccinations sit back and watch those that do invariably fall ill 2-3 weeks later. And then
everyone gets sick. :mad:
So again running has been curtailed to a large extent as I fight off a veritable army of colds, coughs and assorted infectious diseases that have infested the office. I should be running a race even now as I write this, but woke up with the internal battle raging as antibodies took on bacterial armies setting up forward offensive positions inside my head. Never mind, maybe I'll try again later in the day. A good 'ot curry at lunch might shift things in my favour. Bacteria doesn't like curry - something I learned many years ago from the chief teller in the bank I worked in at the time. He was never sick, and insisted it was because of his weekly "hot curry and a sauna" which he claimed "sweats them bugs right out of you, it does". Doesn't always work for me, but I think there's an element of truth in it.
Anyway, I'd better go find some hot lemon stuff and some drugs... or maybe that curry.