I'm now somewhat swayed by Mr MLCM. After all, what extra would we gain from expanding into an official club?
1. Two quid off race entry fees
2. A club vest
As mentioned, the financial aspect is about the best reason I can think of, and in fact leads to a sort of anti-club mentality (RunningCommentary - motto: "Two quid off!").
As for the club vest, despite the alluring mental image of Sweder in purple and black lycra
, I'm not that keen on groups of people wearing herd uniforms (got that out of my system years ago by studying at a sporty university), nor am I keen on collecting extra paraphenalia for a pure and simple sport like running.
I still like the idea of a front page highlighting the diverse achiements of all the group though. Also I like Sweder's policy of entering "RunningCommentary.net" as one's club on entry forms - even if it isn't a real club.