Adelaide Marathon Campaign - Week 1 of 16
I have three marathon reports on this hallowed forum...somewhere. They seem to have dropped off the end - lucky I kept copies.
I actually printed out the following quote and stuck it on my office wall. From the keyboard of our Mighty El Gordo, came the following...
“But what few understand is that every frozen minute of training, every shred of pain, every missed indulgence, every ounce of frustration and tedium and dread that fill those long pre-race months... are all worth it. When you pile up all those great rocks of pain and sulkiness and boredom and sacrifice on one side of the scales, and your solitary finisher's medal on the other, you find to your astonishment and delight, a perfect balance”.
If that piece helps you even half as much as it helped me through my first training campain, then you will succeed. I'm not pretending it's easy, not going to say that you won't have setbacks or bad runs - because you will. It's how you overcome them and move on that's important.
Good luck mate.