I'm unhelpfully ambivalent about routings, other than to say I favour Gatwick for obvious reasons. Traveling on Friday poses problems, plus it means we're in Almeria on Friday and Saturday night with little prospect of a beer (for the runners). Not in itself prohibitive but it must be factored in :o
If Easyjet hang on in there - and there's no guarantee they will just at the moment; watch for news of another Gatwick-based carrier in touble very soon - and don't reinstate the Almeria services we'll need to get confirmed numbers early in order to calculate care/ people carrier space. I'd be happy to drive a seven-seater/ minibus (presuming they're available at one or all mentoned airports).
Anyone else have any thoughts about this?
I'll post a summary in the JSJers thread as I know one or two are keen.
The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph