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National DNA database - Good thing?
14-11-2008, 01:59 PM,
National DNA database - Good thing?
This time on the subject of the useless state system we have here. Through his job he details frustrations that we can all recognise and his views from within this system is well worth a read IMO.

I suspect I’m not the only one to find the latest tidal wave of murdered children upsetting. But of course we now live in a society that has got all its priorities totally upside down. The child known as “Baby P” seems to have been neglected by the useless Hackney authorities, because Hackney like every other area if the State, has taken its eye of the job its supposed to be doing, and spends all its time navel gazing and creating pie charts. The two murdered children this week in Manchester, seem to have also suffered from the neglect of a navel gazing state machine, that has grown fat and exists solely for the purpose of its own existence.

Of course this fat and useless State machine did not kill those children. Their evil parents were responsible. BUT the State machine was well aware of what was occurring and failed to act. So the State MUST shoulder much of the responsibility. And f course this is not Hackney’s first brush with headline failure a we all know.

My own experiences from being part of, and fighting this State monster, are numerous. A climate of fear exists within the police, social services, the NHS etc etc etc. The farce comes from an all pervading and divisive political correctness, which prevents issues from being tackled openly and effectively.

You try dealing with any problems of abuse within an ethnic minority family. It’s bordering on impossible to intervene effectively, when you have to jump through hoops of flame and tread on egg shells, because of the ever present possibility of being accused of God knows what!!!!! If that ethnic family accuse you of only dealing with them because they are black, Muslim or whatever, your State employer will happily throw you to the wolves.

Then you discover that wife and child beating is part of their culture and has to be respected. Then there’s single mothers. Don’t ever try to deal with a single mother if she’s abusing her offspring in any way whatsoever. Single mothers are given the status of saints within the State machine and are beyond reproach. And if the child has TWO parents, and both are welfare scroungers living in social housing, again they’re saintly and beyond criticism.

Added to this unholy mess of mixed up values, you have to fight hard against the obsession with pointless accounting and form filling. Every single act, no matter how urgent, has to go through a seemingly endless series of meetings and completing forms. Meetings to assess and determine the Human Rights involved, community impact assessments, Health and Safety risk assessments, Advice from various outreach groups, then all the less official meetings and groups and good old fashioned covering your own back.

Whilst all this is going on children get battered to death. But at least we got together and talked about it first.

I seem to spend my days going from one pointless meeting the next. Whatever we do, seems to involve a meeting where self congratulations for a job well failed, seem to be the order of the day.

There are so many levels of bureaucracy that any action has to travel through; it amazes me that anything ever gets done at all.

So as a result, we exist in order to perpetuate our continued existence. You justify your job by having yet more meetings, where you can convince others of your great worth to society. By doing all of this the State machine has become so inwards looking, we are no longer doing what we’re aid to do.

I could actually give you many examples of this which would horrify you. But trying to remain sensible I’ll have to keep them to myself.

Messages In This Thread
National DNA database - Good thing? - by Sweder - 13-11-2008, 02:15 PM
National DNA database - Good thing? - by Seafront Plodder - 14-11-2008, 01:59 PM

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