To confirm we have two minibuses booked from Murcia airport for Saturday morning. These will carry our traveling party plus baggage. Based on 16 of us the cost for this per capita, including filling up with fuel before we return, will be appx GBP 34.50 per person. At current rates that's virtually the same in Euros - I'm sure either currency will be acceptable.
I've booked one vehice and Ladyrunner the other.
Please plan on bringing cash with you to cover your seat (as it were) and whichever bus you end up on, pay the driver when we board at Murcia so that's taken care of.
There is provision for four named drivers at no extra charge - we can have more but we have to pay extra for them. Myself and Ladyrunner are obviously the two currently named. EG mentioned he would be happy to drive - Mrs S was going to offer but it's looking less likely that she'll be joining us so there's an open slot. If you wish to drive please bring your drivers licence. I'm not sure if the full A4 paper version is needed as well as the plastic licence - I hope not as I can't find mine at the moment :o
The hotel rooms at Tryp Indalo are reserved by Antonio - no money has yet changed hands. When we check in we will do so in room groups; reception will require a credit card to guarantee room and incidental charges at that time.
Electrical Adaptor
If you're taking a mobile phone + charger (or hairdryer, curling tongs or other electrical apparatus) remember to bring a two-pin adaptor. If you don't have one they can be purchased at Dixons once we're through security.
Hand luggage on board - there are strict controls on liquids and creams in hand luggage - maximum 100 mls any one bottle, and these must be placed into a transparent plastic bag and be removed at time of security check. Any sharp objects on your person or in hand luggage will be removed and destroyed at security (put anything like this in checked luggage).
Passport. Running Shoes.
Anything else is optional.
The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph