Ooops -- I just realised the date. Glad I caught you in time, though I don't know if you'll get this message before the off.
Wow - it's marathons all round! I've just been rewriting part of my Boston marathon report for a class I'm doing soon, and have been reliving the grim slog of those final miles. Erm, I mean the fantastic excitement and sense of achievement. But hey, all you guys have been-there-done-it, and won't need any advice from someone like me.
All I ask is that you live to tell the tale. We'd love to hear it.
As for me, I'm writing an update to tell you where I am. Warning - where I am is nowhere near as exciting as where all you guys - Dan, SW, Julie, Tom - are right at this moment.
Very best of luck to all of you. We are all massively proud of you, and as always, can't wait to hear the battle stories, with or without glory.