RE: Brighton Marathon entry 2011
Great photos Sweder, good effort. Thanks very much for the shouts (first time round I couldn't pick you out among the team, but I could clearly hear you...).
Pretty pleased with my day's work. Almost everything possible went wrong with the costume - I must have stopped at least 10 times to adjust the shoulder pads (you can see one hanging out in Sweder's photo), my snack pack split after less than a mile, spilling jelly babies and phone across the road, my drink holder was too small for the drink bottles, and at around 24 miles one of my poles fell out, leaving the whole thing rather less erect than it should have been.
My mate's mate who came up with the costume idea is a genius; a locally-themed outfit was a massive hit with the crowds and I surfed home on a wave of continuous cheering.
Huge thanks to Mr & Mrs Stillwaddler for sharing their jelly babies with me!
Well done to Fran and Andy, Tom, and Julie over in Rotterdam - hope you're all pleased with the result.