I managed to snap a few photos on the day, including some of the 25 or so JDRF runners, including, quite by accident, the chap to Dan's right in the shot above. Ah, fate.
By far my favourite though is this one.
This picture was not contrived or meant in any way unkindly. I downloaded my modest collection last night and up it popped. It has attracted a certain amount of interest on Facebook already. For the record Simon blew up at 25 miles and still crossed the line in 3:23 (chip time). He's licking his wounds and taking a few digs in the ribs over the photo but he can take solace in providing an iconic sporting moment for all to enjoy.
Chris 'Austin Powers' Mallinson, who I noted back in January was looking particularly strong, completed the course in 2:49:26, placing 17th in the mens race and 21st overall. This is the same guy who routinely misses the start of our Sunday runs because he's up late after a heavy night out.
The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph