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May the road rise to meet your feet...
07-05-2011, 10:01 AM, (This post was last modified: 07-05-2011, 10:21 AM by Mid Life Crisis Marathon Man.)
May the road rise to meet your feet...
I've only just twigged to the fact that it's May already, and I've already left a few May posts on the April thread, but what the heck.

A summary then for the month thus far: Six runs already, for a total of 45 kilometres with a long run of 24km and a couple of slightly-tough hill climbs thrown in for good measure. Pace is good, I'm injury-free and feeling great. My weight is under control, my stretching regime is on song and my mental health is, well, healthy. Shy

My short run today squeezed in before rushing off to work was a modest 3km over 20 minutes but it felt so damn good it was almost dream-like, with my legs turning over with no difficulty at all and heart and lungs barely registering a blip on the effort scale. It was the kind of run I've been working toward, where the ease of it had me feeling very smug indeed. Wonderful! Being in the middle of a couple of weeks of night shifts made it all the more sweet, as working nights usually leaves me fatigued to the core, so this was a rare and precious running high indeed. In fact it completes a triple-treat for me: the comfortable 24km long run last Tuesday, the fast 10km hilly run on Thursday and now a running-on-clouds shortie today. That, RC-people, makes it a pretty damn fine week in my running books with more than a few of those mocking demons of middle-age-dom vanquished for a while, at least. Angel

This, I am sure is why I run - to feel this damn good. No races or PBs - just a blissful week or so of great running!

OK, I'm off to float on my cloud for a while longer. Ciao!

[Image: famous-cartoon-character-road-runner.jpg]
Run. Just run.

Messages In This Thread
May the road rise to meet your feet... - by Mid Life Crisis Marathon Man - 07-05-2011, 10:01 AM
RE: Post race report - by marathondan - 23-05-2011, 12:13 PM

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