(18-05-2011, 11:59 AM)marathondan Wrote: Well done MLCM, a great result on a crowded course and with you feeling less than 100%.
It's also a tasty negative split: taking your 10-15k pace between 10k and halfway point, you ran the first half in 65:42 and the second in 59:30. Maybe that was enforced by the slow start, but it shows that you might not have been in as bad shape as you thought towards the end.
However, I would point out that there is something wrong with the splits you posted - according to those figures, you ran the last 1.1k in 3:07!
Oops ... my mistake, I mixed up some gun time splits with the net finish. Fixed now, and no it wasn't negative splits but perhaps not so bad. Certainly I'll be gunning for a good sub-2 at the next outing.
Sorry for the confusion!