Thanks for the report MLCM. Enjoyed it. You seem to be in a very good place at the moment. Despite the your setback before the P2P.
My latest running metaphor is surfng. (It could even be an analogy. No doubt somebody will correct me.)
After abit of a mullering you seem to have risen to your feet and you're now looking to make a clean break onto the face. It's really going off. Things are firing. Soon you'll be taking the drop and into the Green Room.
I'm in abit of a lull at the moment after getting worked. But I'm hoping things will be cranking by the New Year. As long as there are no men in grey suits to knock me off my board.
OK, that's enough. If anybody would like to extend this:
A good time to make goals and plan the odd race I would have thought whilst your mojo is high.