(08-12-2011, 05:56 PM)Bierzo Baggie Wrote: You’re on a roll MLCM ...carefully does it... control the force!
Yes don't worry BB, I'm well aware of my mortality etc. Along those lines my visit to my ultra-marathon-running physiotherapist this morning was very interesting. It's the first time I've had a professional prescribe
more running for me! It's true - apart from a whole gaggle of core-strengthening exercises I have to do (for an hour each day!) he told me that 50 kilometres a week was "not bad" but that I really should be ramping it up to nearer 70, although doing it over 3 or 4 runs instead of 6 - 7 shorter runs each week..!
No. I am not kidding you. My physiotherapist
told me to ramp up my running to 70 kilometres per week!
I'm still digesting this bomb shell some hours later.
Essentially I think this came about because I told him that I felt my running was at a stage where I need to kick it up to the next level, and that I wanted to ensure I minimise the risk of having another unfortunate injury close to a major race date as happened last month.
He also told me (as every other professional medico who has seen me has also said) that my hamstrings are naff and need a lot of work. I didn't dare tell him that they were in fact far and away better than this time a year ago... especially as he was inflicting rather severe pain on said hammies at the time. But obviously yet more work is needed there.
The pain thing is a bit weird with these guys - their exercise instruction sheets they gave me carry the warning "...you must discontinue when pain is experienced" and yet when in their hands and I complain about the pain all they say is "excellent, that's the kind of pain we're looking for" before then pushing it to new and previously unknown levels of torture.
So it was all a little mysterious. I am not unhappy however, although I'm still at something of a loss to know how I'm to cram all this running and exercise into my schedule. As Mrs MLCM said, I might just have to get up at 3 a.m. instead of these long, lazy lie-ins til 4:30 ...
OK well the first of the new era of MLCM longer runs starts tomorrow. Looking for at least 25km, but we'll see. Just the thought of it is making me tired. And now my back hurts. And uh oh, there goes the knee... and I'm feeling really quite giddy.
Think I'll go and have a little lie down.
Is that a bottle of Scotch?