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Objectives: Under two hours and under eighty kilos
15-01-2012, 05:16 PM,
RE: Objectives: Under two hours and under eighty kilos
                    Sunday 15th Janurary 2012

Sorry for not having written anything since the end of October but I´ve been very lazy in reporting my running and weight.

After the 10 km in Madrid, I thought I was not fit enough to take part in Granada half marathon.

In October, I did 113 km but in November I only managed to do 59 km. However, in December I did 114 km and took part in three races.

The first one was in Viator, a small town 11 km away from Almería. It was on Sunday 18th. The distance was 8 km along road and dirt tracks. I went in my car with Felipe and Mario. There, I met Manuel, who is from Pechina in Almería but lives in Barcelona. I did it with Antonio G., a friend from Almería whom I met at the first trail Cabo de Gata-Níjar. We started     at a comfortable pace, going up some tough hills and went faster downhill. We managed to do the eight kilometres in 47 minutes. Afterwards, we were given a yellow T-shirt, some fruit, water and yoghurt with ice cream from a local company which was delicious.

The second race was the traditional “Subida a los Baños de Sierra Alhamilla” in Pechina. There, I met Manuel, Santi and his brother-in-law Jesús who came from Santiago de Compostela. I also met Manuel´s mother, sister and a friend of him, Paco. It was a wonderful warm sunny day. We started together but as I wasn´t too fit Santi kept me company. When we got to the top along the road, we drank some water and went back to Pechina along a dirt track. It took me 2 hours ten minutes to do 15.5 km. Afterwards, we had some drinks and tapas at a bar in the town square.

The third race was the also traditional “San Silvestre” in Almería. It was on 25th at 7 pm. This year, there were a lot of people dressed up in many different ways such as smurfs, cow boys, sheep, Little Riding Hood, etc. The atmosphere was fantastic. I met a few friends before, during and after the race. There were many spectators cheering at the paseo and Rambla illuminated with the Christmas lights. We had to do two 3 km laps. I did the first one in 18 minutes and the second one in 17 minutes feeling fine and passing some people in the last kilometre. I took my goodie bag with a technical T-shirt, a bottle of water, fruit and I had a glass of Aquarius.


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RE: Objectives: Under two hours and under eighty kilos - by Antonio247 - 15-01-2012, 05:16 PM

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