Dry July? No! Why?
Dry July, OcSober, The Dries of March ... it's got to stop, this is temperance gone mad! Mad, I tell you!
I certainly have not been practising temperance, at least not in its alcohol-related meaning. In its true form of "restraint of action, deed or thought" it is true to say that in recent weeks I have exercised a temperance of running. In fact, it was an out-and-out winter lay-off. Well not totally, but a decent enough break to leave me feeling flat, fat and lethargic (although in truth I did enough to keep the weight down, but mentally....well!) Hardly invigorating stuff if I'm to be honest, but perhaps in an holistic sense I needed the break.
However that's all over now and Operation P2P is in full swing. This means shifting the focus of my running onto the hills, and so it has been this week. Today I set the treadmill at a 2% incline (well, you have to start somewhere), found a comfortable pace and settled in for a longish plod up an endless hill. And boy, apart from the last ten minutes when I struggled a little, it was a hoot. Soooo good to be working up an honest sweat again.
Brings on those hills, fellas, I'm up and at 'em.
14.7km, 99mins @ 2% incline.
YTD: 808km
Track du Jour: Hopeless 70s pop tragic that I am, I don't know why I never found this to be a great running track before, but today I certainly did. Oh yeah!