RE: 2013: Tri-ing something new
Went for my first water torture session in about 6 weeks last night. There have been a couple of bank holidays, a couple of can't be-arseds, and a couple of so-uninterested-I-completely-forgots. It was surprisingly not bad.
We didn't do all that much proper swimming, mostly float and fin work, but the variety was enjoyable and there weren't any real killer drills. I surmise that I haven't learned enough to have anything much to forget...
I was reminded how complex and subtle swimming is - the techniques can be taught, but you need to build muscle memory through drills to put it all together. It is indeed rather like a dance lesson. But you can't see anything, or breathe properly. So really it's like a dance lesson, but when the music starts you have to tie a bag over your head.
I was also reminded that there are some things that my lanky, unsupple frame doesn't seem able to do. Two last night were kicking with fins on my front with a float, with my face out of the water, and kicking on my back with fins, with a float above my head and straight arms. I'm just the wrong shape, or completely inflexible, whereas others seem to manage them OK. I guess it's never to late to start some yoga or some of that poncy stuff.
Overall though, an enjoyable hour - some endoprhins released, and good coaching is almost always a pleasant experience, whatever the subject.