RE: Training's fust in August.
Another cracking run today. Just a long slowie, but a little faster and a little bit steeper than usual. I set the treadie at 2% - it seems like hardly anything really, well, for the first hour anyway. After that any slope becomes challenging and this certainly kept me interested. In all it was a two-and-a-half hour plod, with the last half hour requiring some serious self-talk to get it done.
But done it is; my second 23km run in six days, making it my biggest week for ... hmm, well a long time anyway. The task now is to maintain this work-rate for the next three months. Is it even possible? Can it be done, dear viewers, or will once again we see The Penguin run amok in Gotham City and cut the MLCMM training plan to shreds?
Stay tuned for more.
23.0km 2h30m
YTD: 781km
Track du Jour: One to raise your cadence: