RE: September 2013 - The Fear Mounts
Yay, a day off! Time for a decent long run. Only problem is waking up knowing the only thing I really want to do is sleep in for once... heavy sigh.
Wearily I climb into the running shoes and head out the door. For the first two kilometres I only want to turn around and head back to bed. By then however I'm at the bottom of the first big hill and to turn around would mean climbing back up the beast, so I press on.
Of course, things then pick up and I actually complete a good run. I headed back out to Lane Cove National Park - which is now my standard 18km long run - and which I ran with Sweder during his brief sojourn here three weeks prior. Back then I was still fighting Mrs MLCMM's lurgi and turned in a pretty dreadful run. Today's effort felt much, much stronger and was completed without too much drama (once past the first couple of kilometres anyhow), but it was still disappointingly slow, at 1h57m, albeit four minutes quicker than previously.
Never mind, it was important to get this run done today, as it will be another five days or so before the opportunity presents itself for another run of that length.
I'm still wondering if it's enough - it's a tough little run, it must be said, but the hills aren't continuous like the P2P. And that's the key - being able to run one continuous hill with no respite.
18.22km, 1h57:25
YTD: 873.4km
Track du jour: Apropos of nothing at all to do with running... which is perhaps why...