(08-04-2014, 09:05 AM)marathondan Wrote: That's a great picture you've painted there. As you say, it's good to push yourself to the limit once in a while.
Slightly over-pushed as it turns out, with sore and achey
vastus medialis resulting. Luckily, after Suzie's visit last year, I bought an example of a very effective torture device she brought with her - humourously called "
The Stick" which is just as painful and nearly as effective as a sports masseur but considerably cheaper, and this has helped.
Despite liberal use of "The Stick" however I was still sore and sorry for myself this morning as I took off for yet another insanely early pre-dawn plod. I cut it short after 22 minutes and avoided the worst of the hills, but I was pleased at least to get out there if only for a token run and maintain my promise to myself to run every second day
sans excuse.
And even a short, painful run such as this really set me up for the day ahead. Got to love that.