RE: Running and the mind
Great project.
At my running club we have a beginners section and their motto is 'Nobody gets left behind'. So that should be your priority.
You can do that by splitting the route up into 4 or 5 sections. Stop at the end of each section and let everybody catch up. But don't set off again straight away. As the group progresses they may treat each section as a tempo run, getting faster towards the end and using the stop as a recovery.
If there are big differences in fitness it will be necessary to split the group up. But give each group a leader who is responsible for pace, route finding and morale.
But you can still do things together (as Sweder pointed out) like running the first/last mile together and doing static stretches together at the end. Give the fast group a longer route so you all finish together.
If people are on Facebook start a Group. People will share their enthusiasm, offer lifts and generally come together in-between runs as well.
As time goes by keep things fresh by varying the routes in terms of distance and terrain. Consider entering races together. Get some vests printed with the group name on. Have a social meal once in a while.
Let us know how you get along. If you want to discuss this with somebody who is involved with this already then message me and I'll put you in touch.