Run a mile in my shoes.
The running log doth betray me. So very few runs over the last ... hmm, 14 months or so. Appalling. I have reasons of course, but when I needed it most, I couldn't find the motivation I needed to hit the streets. Never mind, that's all changing.
The '100 days' challenge of one mile per day for one hundred days came along at just the right time. I just needed some easy, sensible, gentle way of getting the running habit back into my life on a consistent basis, and these short runs are quite easy to do, even at five in the morning. I can really squeeze these in without thinking too much about it or suffering too much afterwards. And so here we are, already five days in with four runs completed and with me thinking I might even be a runner again. A little bit, anyhow.
Anyway, it's good. I'm enjoying it. And here's my first chart ... pretty basic to begin with. We'll see how it develops over time: