RE: Long March Rocket
I like ambitious plans, and this is a good one. Even though I've abandoned hope of running another City Marathon I really want to run the Moyleman 'one day'. I say 'one day' like that because, holy hell, the way my BMI is headed we may have to add Cheese Rolling to the possible categories in order for me to qualify (as a cheese). My anthem is currently 'I Get Around' (Something SP has never been terribly good at without strong-armed persuasion), with the emphasis very much on 'round'.
Yes, if a Moyleman is to occur a few things need to change. It's not like the gods will change them for me, unless they unleassh a plague to destroy all burgers and beer on the planet. The other thing is, I want to run the Moyleman the 'wrong' way around. Why? Why not? Call me quirky, just don't call me collect.
Excellent posts like this keep me in the game. Thanks Cobber.
The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph