Zinging along with Zoe.
And I'm freefallin'
I'm letting go, Just let the melody flow
Said I'm freefallin'
I'm feelin' so like, whatever 'cause things can only get better
('Freefallin' - Zoe Badwi)
Wow, sometimes this running business just slaps you in the face with a 24-carat gin and tonic (erm, if you can imagine such a thing), and with amazing good timing, given my previous post. After a long, tiring six-day working week which culminated in two graveyard shifts I decided to test the waters a little with a tricky two-hour hill climb session. This, clearly, was not going to be a Maffetone session, yet I was pleasantly surprised at the relatively low level at which my heart rate maxxed out. Given my perceived exertion it was much lower than I anticipated, so that was beaut bonus.
The real bonus came afterwards though, with the best burst of endorphins I've had in many a month. Those little critters are more than welcome in my household, anytime. Welcome back, Kotter fellas.
With beer in hand, I can now say that I am genuinely back in love with running again, even on the treadmill.
Speaking of being in love, we've not had a track du jour for some time; well how about this one - I currently have this on high rotation*. I can't help but bounce along at a cracking pace to this superb track (despite the admittedly inane lyrics). She's an Aussie artist, too and it's a few years old now, but it's timeless running music, or so I reckon. I'm loving it... especially after a beer and another half a bottle of a decent grenache.
(Contented) sigh.
*That is to say, I'm playing it incessantly, like a love-sick teenager again. Well, hey, what's wrong with regressing every now and then?