RE: Back On The Road Again
2017 registered a new all-time low of 448 kms run. I wouldn’t normally boast about it but having exposed my numbers fetish here prepare to be bombarded with a lot more silly stats from now on..
February was the most prolific month with a modest total of 85k run.
In July, August and September no running was recorded.
The other monthly totals ranged from an unimpressive 18k to a not even slightly impressive 69k. Must add that if I had included walking kms I might have reached treble figures a couple of times, but walking just isn’t running or so I’m told.
Not surprisingly there were fewer races this year.
2017 was the year when running became even more an exercise in injury management. The year started with a mysterious pain in my right knee which by December had teleported itself into my left ankle. If I am to extend my running life beyond my late 40s perhaps I should pay heed to advice from countless RC posts over the years regarding core strength, diet, cross training, stretching exercises… You know, it’s no longer just a case of going out for a carefree run and I’m open to all possibilities now, yoga, pilates, dare I even say the “gym” word.
It ain’t getting any easier.