Today's long slow run was a little tough, I must admit. Despite a good night's sleep I awoke to this run feeling jaded and heavy. It may have been the combination of beer, wine, more wine and heavy comestibles the previous evening, I suppose. Maybe I should cut down a bit. The other indicator that perhaps I ought to curtail my imbibing a little is that despite five solid weeks of training, my weight hasn't shifted downwards at all.
One thing that has shifted downwards most encouragingly, however, is my resting heart rate, now residing down in the low 50s, which is most, erm, heartening, if you'll forgive the pun.
But, back to that troublesome run. It was the same 16km I ran last week, but rather harder this time around. It was disappointing, I guess, not to cover the same distance more easily or a little quicker, but just grinding it out under the duress of too much booze and too many calories coursing through my veins, and given that I toughed it out without a single stop, I suppose in hindsight it was pretty well done.
One thing that certainly helped is the addition of some new tracks to my running playlist. I'm not sure what inspired me to add this one; it's a track I love, being perhaps the only Yoko Ono song I've ever actually liked, but I'd never considered it as suitable running music, and not just because it's another song about walking. In fact, this is fabulous to jog along to. I hope you like it, but it is certainly very different. Deep Purple, it is not.