31 January 2019 15,655 steps 45 minutes running weight 78.9kg
An old friend was in town yesterday, so naturally we caught up for a few drinks. Then upon returning home discovered we needed to visit Jane’s elderly aunt to fix her back door, which wouldn’t lock. Door fixed, she then plied us with red wine, which was all very pleasant until I stepped on the scales this morning. January, now at an end, had seen my weight slowly, but definitely trending downward… until today. Instead of the 2 to 3 kilos I had expected the shed over the course of the month, I have reduced in bulk by less than one. Looking back on past spreadsheet running/weight logs though, I see that I rarely lost significant weight before hitting in the order of 150km per month or more, so I shouldn’t be so surprised.
So, anyway, there was nothing for it other than to once again hit the treadmill today and try to make some amends. With the revised forecast maximum now expected to reach 40°C, I got going as early as I could, but the mercury was already over the 30 mark. The only saving grace was that the humidity was down a little on previous days.
Despite yesterday’s excesses and the unpleasant conditions, the run went pretty well. I even contemplated adding an extra quarter hour to my scheduled 45 minutes, but thought better of it. I’m tracking well and don’t want to risk over-doing things through sheer enthusiasm.
And so my first base-building month is now complete with a modest, but important 120km of ground covered, and that doesn’t include my warm-up and cool-down sessions, so I’m pretty pleased. In February I will begin to add some tempo runs and make the long run a little longer again.
But first, there’s news, both good and bad from my place employment which may yet impact my training schedule. More of that later. For the moment, I’ll bask in a good first month of base building.
Monthly totals:
Running: 120.6km
Steps: 571,714
Weight loss/gain: -0.9kg