Understand that training diaries and football diaries do not necessarily tally but then if walking is just another form of running then football is too. Im sure the Church of England would say the same about God these days
. And talking about God, Mingoya senior was smoking a huge cigar when I entered the changing rooms 15 minutes before kick off. He always smokes a cigar before a game. Must be one of those football superstitions.
Played the whole game this time. Only avoided substitution because people kept on limping off injured. I was marked by ex-team-mate Oscar the undertaker who I sometimes come across when Im running by the river. Hes the antithesis of the serious, dour sort of figure youd normally associate with his profession. The funeral firm he works for is called, wait for it, Fun-Bierzo (fun being short for funeraria). I promise that Im not joking.
The game was one of two halves. In the first we put some good moves together and had the Aquarium lads on the ropes. Went into the break drawing 1-1. The second half was a different kettle of fish (sorry). We conceded 6 more goals (3 of them penalties). Our best player was a midget who came on for the last 20 minutes. Hes the smallest player Ive ever seen on a football pitch (excluding under-12 games) but his low centre
Of gravity proved disconcerting for our brawny opponents. They were actually shouting mark the dwarf, mark the dwarf. Political correctness has not reached these parts yet and it was the sort of scene that youd only ever see in the Bierzo League of Friends or in some wacky film by Fellini. The wee man hit the post. The rest of us were a disgrace.
Aluminium boys 1 The Aquarium 7
Next week were away to the miners of Folgoso.