May . . . the farce be with you . . .
Thanks for not running Sweder. It makes me feel marginally better about my own enforced inertia. Am definitely on the mend but I think it will be the weekend at the earliest before I can get out there.
Yes, Jagermeister rings a distant Almerian bell. Was that the stuff that SP was absorbing in that bar-with-no-beer with the Gilbert and George-lookalike gay guys canoodling to Abba in the corner? It certainly did induce some odd behaviour in SP but I'll spare his blushes by saying no more.
Mick - excellent, I'll try to check out the papers later. The newsagent will hate me leafing through them without buying. I heard the press conference on 5 Live and it did sound a bit chaotic.
I'm big fan of Dowie. I met him and chatted a couple of times when he was No 2 to Gerry Francis at QPR. Very articulate, driven guy in football terms. Will be interesting to see what he can do on a bigger stage with some money to spend.
Are you a Charlton fan btw?
El Gordo
Great things are done when men and mountains meet.