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Billy Liar
06-09-2006, 12:57 PM,
Billy Liar
I live in a state of perpetual ambivalence about so many things. It's worrying. Or maybe it's a perfectly natural state, indicating objective, mental well-being. Take your pick.

Take marathons, for instance. Being prone to misery and snobbery I would often sneer at organised events. But I recently re-read my Indian diaries and it brought back incredible emotions and memories.

Almost eight months after the event and I'm still dining off the experience. But I wouldn't mind another challenge now; and I don't know what that can be.

I'm not a great fan of marathon training. I don't like the amount of time it takes up. And I don't like that feeling of impending doom if you slip on your schedule.

This time running isn't going to be a priority. I'm going to train as-and-when the opportunity presents itself and jump on the odd event last-minute.

Let's see how far this approach gets me.

I've managed a couple of very hilly 8 milers in the last couple of weeks, which is encouraging, and should mark the beginning of a new running chapter.

I've inherited a polar heart-rate monitor, which is probably wasted on me, but I needed a watch anyway. And I'm going to buy some trail shoes at the weekend.

"Today's a day of big decisions - going to start writing me novel - 2000 words every day, going to start getting up in the morning.
[Looks at his overgrown thumb nail]
I'll cut that for a start. Yes... today's a day of big decisions."

Messages In This Thread
Billy Liar - by glaconman - 06-09-2006, 12:57 PM
Billy Liar - by Mid Life Crisis Marathon Man - 10-09-2006, 10:38 AM

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