glaconman Wrote:Maybe it's time to hatch a plan.
It's the only thing that works for me. Good intentions never last long in my household.
I was interested in what you said the other day about being laid back and entering events at the last minute when the mood took you. I've said stuff like that a lot over the past 4 or 5 years, and I know that it just doesn't work for me. What does work for me is the feeling that I'm embarking on some adventure that I need to plan for and measure. Running has to be a 'project' or part of a bigger project. I don't particularly like it like that, but I've been doing this just long enough to know that this is how I have to do it.
I went to a bar in Akueyri in Northern Iceland this evening to watch the Man Utd v Celtic game. Surrounded by beer and cheery football conversation, it was tough to stick to coffee, but I managed it. I know that it takes just a tiny puncture to bring the whole resolution down. That said, I can't believe this will last all the way to April, or even to next month but it's worth at least a couple of weeks away from it to try to build up a bit of mileage and lose a few pounds.
Anyway, great that you're back in the running frame of mind, GM. It's taken, or taking, me a long time too but I'm very nearly there I think. We should do a race together sometime. Perhaps one of those Leeds ones, or get down this way and join up with the rest of the gang sometime. Brighton might be a bit out of the way, but there'll be others.
Keep in touch, old chap.