..but Mrs SP reminded me this morning that Ive either run or cross-trained (thatd be tennis
) for the last 5 days in succession.
I must confess to feeling a little shagged out, but had put it down the late night I had on Tuesday playing on SP jnrs PS2!
Another 6 mile lap of the town on Wednesday culminating in the climb that my training partner and I have affectionately named Cardiac Hill The run was definitely faster and we reckoned it to me around 54 minutes
with noticeably less spit-flailing up Cardiac Hill too.
Nothing for me now except wild evenings of beer and curries (well thats tonight sorted), and rest until the 13 mile training run on Sunday. The new shoes have helped the lower back pain Id been having, but not eradicated it completely, so if I finish Sundays run in one piece Ill be running the Brighton ½ the following week, if not
.then Ill probably still do it anyway.