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Decisions, decisions.
20-10-2008, 02:46 AM,
Decisions, decisions.
The weather is pleasant enough now, with temperatures in the mid-20s and spring fully springing, for me to be tormented between the idea of going for a run or heading to the pub for a very satisfying beer or two. Today being Monday and a day off for me, I was sorely tempted to head to the local establishment, for there are few things more gratifying than sitting in a beer garden on a perfect spring Monday morning (late morning!) watching people struggling to come to terms with it being Monday again. However, with a little gentle nagging from My Conscience Personified (who shall remain nameless) I headed out the door instead replete in running shorts and Nadal-style muscle shirt (wasted on me but what the heck).

And yes, yes I realise that most people inhabiting this forum would combine both activities: a gut-wrenching run followed by a well-deserved ale in the local brew house. Sadly I seem to find beer apres run sits heavily in the stomach and is not at all enjoyable. So I'm afraid it's one or the other with me... anyway a run it was. And today I took the trusty Garmin with me, as of late I have eschewed the number-slut device and enjoyed running free, yes, just like the lions: no watch, and no concerns about time or speed or distance unless of course there's a lame wilderbeest in my path to slay (of which there are fortunately very few in my neighbourhood).

The result was a little shocking. I covered far less distance than I thought, and took a whole lot longer than I thought. Clearly I am not running often enough and without sufficient method. This is genuinely scarey: if I don't pull my finger out, I'm in danger of losing my grip here people.

I need a plan. For that I need a goal. As much as I would like to target the Canberra marathon next April, that's too daunting a task just now, so I'm going to scout out some 10km races and maybe another half marathon. I have to be a little circumspect as I'm still scouting out real estate here in Sydney and finalising my permanency here.

With all the enthusiasm oozing out of the RC runners lately, I don't think motivation will be the problem. Logistics however, requires careful planning over a beer or three. Or maybe a bottle of red.


Or perhaps El G's onto something with this abstinence? No, surely not! Eek

Run. Just run.

Messages In This Thread
Decisions, decisions. - by Mid Life Crisis Marathon Man - 20-10-2008, 02:46 AM
Decisions, decisions. - by El Gordo - 20-10-2008, 08:45 AM
Decisions, decisions. - by El Gordo - 21-10-2008, 09:02 PM
Decisions, decisions. - by Bierzo Baggie - 22-10-2008, 11:48 AM
Decisions, decisions. - by Sweder - 23-10-2008, 12:04 PM
Decisions, decisions. - by El Gordo - 23-10-2008, 12:08 PM
Decisions, decisions. - by El Gordo - 23-10-2008, 02:57 PM

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