06-09-2005, 07:54 PM,
Does anyone have days where they feel on top of the world and they feel like they can run forever then another day you feel like you can't manage a mile? I did a 100 minute run on Sunday had a rest day yesterday and today I was supposed to do a 60 min easy run but I felt so shattered I could only manage 45 mins.
06-09-2005, 08:47 PM,
This is what was happening to me last year. Turned out to be viral, and took months to shift. But I'm sure there are less dramatic explanations; e.g. a night on the grog... dare I say especially the champers. You did mention on another thread having been in the pub all afternoon?!

Losing a cricket match can have a similarly debilitating effect.

The fact that you managed 45 minutes after a day on the piss tends to suggest you don't have too much to worry about!
Run. Just run.
07-09-2005, 09:27 AM,
It's common to feel that way the day after a long run, less so after a rest day. Apart from 'a night on the grog', the usual explanations for me are lack of sleep or eating badly. After a cornish pastie and chips for lunch and a few bars of chocolate through the afternoon, I rarely feel like a good run in the evening....

More seriously, yes, it does happen Miss C. Just one of those inexplicables, though certainly your afternoon in the pub may well have taken a day or two to work its way through the system.
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
11-09-2005, 11:28 AM,
Thanks guys, I guess i'll just have to stay off the booze for the next few weeks!

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