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Ho Hum
08-02-2006, 02:00 PM,
Ho Hum
Most of the training is Ok, managing to fit in the longer midweeks by some judicious juggling of work/family/music commitments and am feeling in the main quite fit and able, however the longish run last weekend (12 miles) was a real slog. Our weekend visitors arrvied at about 11.30pm last Friday so it was at least 2am before we went to bed and then I couldn't sleep, I was still awake at 3.30, next thing I knew was that MrSW was being horribly hearty and declaring it was time to get up to run...hhhmmm expletives passed my lips. I eventually rolled out of bed and in to my kit, didn't have time for breakfast so slurped a gel - eugh, they are so disgusting. Think I was still half asleep for the first 5 miles, I don't remember much about them. Second part was just sheer hard work, I was just plain tired, legs felt like lead and I really didn't want to be doing it anymore.

Still I made it back, yards behind MrSW in a poor time of 2 hours 7 minutes
(will he be satisfied to run at my pace during the FLM???) Looking on the brightside, I didn't pick up an injury, I was able to function for the rest of the day and even walked a mile and a half back from the pub with the visitors that night...Wot doesn't kill us makes us stronger :-)

Meanwhile, just a little matter of 6 miles to fit in some time this evening whilst pondering how on earth I am going to manage 20 miles further than that in just a couple of months time.
08-02-2006, 05:16 PM,
Ho Hum
I'm not sure if there was some malalignment in the heavens - enough of us had less than happy outings last weekend. I don't think there's such a thing as a bad run, at least in the sense that every run has some value - it's all time on your feet towards the cause even if you feel like cr*p for most of it.

The six miles plus twenty thing is weird, isn't it?
'I just ran a half and I'm knackered - how can I possibly do another one straight after?'
Happily I've found all those 'reasoned' arguments evaporate in a haze of adrenaline and excitement come the big day. Andy often talks about banking miles - in fact in Almería last year I remember him talking about the whole running/ drinking thing in terms of a bank account; running is making deposits, drinking making withdrawls.
[Thinks]Must do something about that overdraught . . . [/Thinks]

The point is, you put in all those tough little six milers and gut-wrenching long runs, you save them up, add to them week in, week out and come April 23rd you withdraw the lot.
And then you get to drink lots of beer. Hic Smile

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

08-02-2006, 05:27 PM,
Ho Hum
I had a bad 'un last weekend. Haven't really picked up again yet. Even my half this weekend is looking less than likely at present.
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
10-02-2006, 09:56 AM,
Ho Hum
Thanks Sweder, I like the thought of having a few miles in the bank, haven't been imbibing quite so much beer lately so must be in credit by a small amount.

Bumbled around the streets for the 6 miles on Wednesday after having to stay late at work, (family were quite philosophical about eating supper at 8pm instead of the ususal 6.30ish) went very slowly by myself with just my talking book for company, another 3 chapters accomplished Wink

Just a little matter of 13 miles this weekend, big decision to make, do I do it on Saturday - hair appointment in the morning, or Sunday, but then I can't have a beer on Saturday night?

Hope you make your 13 miles too Andy, sod it, I'll just walk when it gets too tough:-)
Phew this is hard work !
13-02-2006, 10:16 AM,
Ho Hum
. . .
Hippo Birdy Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdy Stillwaddler,
Hippo Birdy Two Ewes.

Have a good one Big Grin

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

13-02-2006, 12:31 PM,
Ho Hum
Thanks Sweder, it has come as a bit of a shock, I'm sure it isn't a whole year since the last one? My next birthday will be much more useful as it will launch me into the over 55 female vets, this one is a bit of a non-entity.

Incidentally yesterday's long run was much better than last week, I think I banked quite a bit, sadly made quite a few withdrawals yesterday evening with eraly birthday celebrations :-)
Phew this is hard work !
14-02-2006, 02:37 PM,
Ho Hum
I don't really count birthdays anymore, as in I don't keep a running total.
A charming Niece sent me a card on my 40th (some years back);
'To the Nearly Dead, from the Young and the Beautiful'. Ahhhh . . .

My kids think I went over the hill years ago. As I joyfully remind them on a daily basis, once you're over the hill it's downhill all the way. Yipeeeeee! Big Grin

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph


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