of having an office at home Is the lack of commuting. A quick hop up the stairs and Im there, at work. Of course it does have its downside. Weve lost the spare bedroom so the mother-in-law cant stay, but ho hum, life goes on!
Another downside, (such as it is), is that I didnt step out of the house all day today; and it was during today that I decided to embark on a hilly 6 miler after Id finished earning the corn.
So by about 5ish Id packed up work (well it is POETS day) and donned the lycra.
So as I said, one of the downsides of working from home is not leaving the house all day, and therefore I had no real idea how damn hot it was!
Sure I spent the day in shorts with the windows open, but it wasnt really until I was ¼ of a mile up the road that I realised how warm it was.
I decided to run from home and up into the hills. Upwards to Frog Firle (yes really) and beyond to stop a hilly 3 miles from home along the South Downs Way.
Hills?? Enough to make your legs boil, but I still made it to the 3 mile turn in 34 minutes which I was pleased with. A quick drink and a
baaa at the overheating sheep and back I turned. All downhill but I didnt manage to make up much time, finishing at the front door in 67 minutes with 6:09 miles.
No great shakes, but when you add the compulsory (as endorsed by King-of-the-Hills Sweder) 20% for the elevation, and another 20% or so for the stifling temperature
, well
.who knows?
This beer dunnarf taste good tonight!