Swift Sweder
Being the consumate stat junky that I am, and noticing (as I'm sure others have) Sweder's impressive posting rate to RC forum, I did a spreadsheet analysis (only took a minute - honest!) and according to my trusty laptop, if he maintains his current rate of posting (and there are no signs at all of letting up), Sweder should overhaul Andy L in numbers of postings to the forum on September 9th this year.
At which point maybe we should let Mrs.Sweder know that it's all quite innocent, and his countless hours on the internet are not spent in some seedy chatroom, but in the presence of, um, sweaty, er, somewhat middle-aged (in the main) slow-ish beer-drinking runners with an unhealthy knowledge of obscure 1960s music .
Oh dear. Then again, perhaps we shouldn't.
Damn these spreadsheets.